Projects: Mega 6 Lamp CFL Grow Light!

Put some light in your garden today!

By using products readily available at your local home center, you too can build this awesome grow light! Heck, you might even have some of this crap lying around the garage. Either way, this guide will take you through the steps to build your very own MegaLux CFL grow light. Great for sprouts, vegging and tight spots. Swell in pairs...

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Now, using sheet metal screws, attach the reflectors to base of the vanity fixture.

Care should be taken to not accidently drill the sockets.

Next we'll drill a new hole for the fixture whip or what ever your source wiring may be.

Don't drill the wires! =P

After reaming the hole, insert a 2 screw connector or similar device to keep the
wire in place.

the two red "X's" on the photo above...

some holes there...

on the the other side too!

For the next step, we'll need a hanger.

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Build A Grow Light. You Can Do It!

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